Title: Volcanic Moments: Heart Popping Tales
Author: Mona Mohanty
Publisher: Author's Press
Pages: 144
Review: Volcanic Moments: Heart Popping Tales by Mona Mohanty
Most of the readers pick the book by getting attracted to its cover. the cover designer of the book hasn't done a great job while designing the cover of this book, it could have been far better than this one, I strongly recommend the author to ask the publisher to change the cover of this book.
If we ignore this issue which I had mentioned then the content present in this book is appreciatable. A perfect collection of 25 short stories based on various Genre which is the most interesting and best thing about this book.
The author did the great work by using simple language and the writing style is just amazing well-narrated stories which not only entertain you but it will also inspire you. when I started reading this I was too confused why the author had decided to keep a title like this but slowly - slowly when I turned the pages and completed the book I understand the reason behind it.
Every book lover can consider this book for a casual read.
Cover: 3/5
Blurb: 4/5
Plot: 4/5
Overall: 4/5
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