Saturday, 28 October 2017

Conversation with Arpit Vageria

About Arpit: Arpit Vageria is a bestselling author of three romance novels –Your Are My Reason To Smile, I Still Think About You and Chockolate Sauce-Smooth. Dark. Sinful. Arpit also writes for the Indian television industry and has written stories and dialogues for many fiction and non-fiction television series and award functions. Hailing from Indore, he currently lives in Mumbai. He enjoys road trips, singing, playing pranks and adventurous sports.

Q&A session

Q.1) What brought you to write this book?
A: There are many untold stories out there that needs to be told, if I won’t write it, someone else will and it’s only good to tell stories that are worth reading, worth telling and worth living.

Q.2) What is the most unethical practice in the publishing industry?
A: Publishing industry doesn’t trust you or your capabilities till you prove yourself. Only a handful of traditional publishers are courageous enough to publish new authors and because of the dearth of good traditional publishers, there are new publishers opening up every day, some of the new ones fooling by charging money and giving absolutely nothing in return. That’s the game of demand and supply.

Q.3) Your favorite author and why? 
A: Harlan Coben, Prem Chand, Sidney Sheldon, Betty Mahmoody. All because of their excellent stories and narratives.

Q.4) Describe yourself in one word? 
A: Dreamer.

Q.5) Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find?
A: Yes, I did that with my latest release.

Q.6) What do you like to do when you're not writing?
A:   I like to travel and spend time with my family and friends. Also, thinking about the old times and calling up old buddies with whom i haven’t had a word in last 10-12 years. That’s fun.

Q.7) Tell us something about your latest book?
A:It’s a story of a dreamer who gives up on all necessities to follow his dreams. A story of a writer, his girlfriend and his first ever fan. This story talks about the cheap thrills and temptations we all have in our lives.

Q.8) Emotions, sentiments, sensitivity are a part of? 
A: Everyone’s story.

Q.9) Did you have any goals for this collection when you wrote it — to get published, or just to finish, etc.?
A: I never thought of getting my first book published but when I found out the way to do so, I found it only exciting to do it. If you have written a story, Its better that you share it with the world in any which way.

Q.10) From all of your book which book is your favourite?
A: I Still Think About You is my most favourite book because I haven’t done as many experiments in the book as I have done in that, The book was a comeback for me after 3 years and people loved the narrative and edginess in that story, That book somehow made me what I am today.

Arpit Vageria with his book " Your Are My Reason To Smile"

Q.11) What do you love most about the writing process? 
A: It’s like getting into the whole world that’s only mine, I like when I smile with satisfaction when I end any chapter, If I smile that means I have satisfied myself and If i have satisfied myself, I am sure i would be able to win my reader’s hearts too.

Q.12) When you will consider your biggest achievement?
A: The day I get love from all across the world the way I get it in India.

Q.13) How did you begin writing? Did you intend to become an author, or do you have a specific reason or reasons for writing each book?
A: I started writing out of chance and now, I write, to voice my opinion on necessary things like- Relationships, Youth etc.

Q.14) Do you meet your readers at book signings, conventions, or similar events?
A: That’s my favourite part of being an author. Yes, I do meet them every now and then.

Q.15) What’s more important: characters or plot? 
A: Both. Story goes handicapped without either of them.

Q.16) What is the biggest surprise that you experienced after becoming a writer? 
A: When people started recognizing me in crowd, That’s very unusual for an author in India.

Q.17) Your experience with Srishti Publishers & Distributors? 
A: It’s a great association and growing relationship. With each book, we’re committed to do better together.

Q.18) Are you going to keep writing and doing only part-time work, or do you see yourself eventually going back to a full-time, corporate-type job?
A: I am a television and web writer as well, So I see myself doing the same as of now. But yes, Only writing.
Q.19) If you could spend time a character from your book whom would it be? And what would you do during that day? 
A:I actually have spent time with all those characters from book as they’re inspired from real life people. I love Pihu from ‘You Are My reason to smile’ the most though.

Q.20) Which place you love to write? Nature or your room or any place? 
A: Anywhere at peace.

Q.21) Behind every successful man there is a woman. Agree or disagree? And why?
A: I don’t really believe in this or vice versa, We all seed what we bow, People can come and go but you’re permanent with yourself. You need to be geared up all the times.

Q.22) Any suggestion for budding writers?
A: Read, Read and read.

Q.23) Any last thoughts for our readers?
A: You guys have been my family, You’ve made what I am today. Keep showering this love, I have grown used to it now. Love you all.

Bawra Mann Cover- You Are My Reason To Smile
By Arpit Vageria

You can Order Arpit's Books by clicking following Images from Amazon : 


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