Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Review - In Search of Happiness

Title : In Search of Happiness

Author : Sushil Kumar Rana & Shivangi Rawat

Format : Kindle

Pages : 44

Blurb: Today, when social media is full of scandal, heartbreak, revenge and full of unsocial activities. But there is something a beautiful relation is going to spring up in between Arohi and Aakash. Most of all you are thinking it as a love or something alike that. But it's not a love tale, their relationship has no name. Their relationship is more than a friend, relatives. Their bonding is pure and perpetual. Did this type of relation exist in this savage world. If yes then how and when, to know more about it go through the story. Some relation has no names, but that doesn’t mean that relation didn’t exist.
Love never is wrong its the person who always. Love has its own positivity and can alter a person completely. After breaking up with his girlfriend Sunil completely drowned in sorrow and grabbed by depression. There is no hope of returning to his normal state, at once he is a famous write with full of positivity and a motivator to all. So what miracle happens in his life that change him a different soul.
Everybody thinks that happiness is lies with money, what if it is totally wrong. We spent thousands of rupees in pub, bar multiplex and shopping mall but did we ever draw the inner happiness? Inner happiness is long lasting and not like with today’s temporary happiness.
So where it lies, or this is just a myth in the form of a book. Friends it really exists and you can't buy it with money and power. You gain it by serving some good deeds. What change a selfish person into a selfless. To know more we have to go through Madhav life story

Review: In search of happiness is an anthology co-authored by Sushil Kr. Rana and Shivangi Rawat. It's a collection of five different short stories, based on different themes . It teaches a lesson to the reader who read this book.
Let's talk about the cover first, the cover of the book suits the title as well and which is simple and beautiful. Each story will leave a strong impact on the minds of the readers .The book contains five short stories in each story you will find how the characters are searching for happiness which can't be bought by money..The five stories namely-DivineTransformation of lovers into writersIn search of happinessNitya the warrior andThe last hope.Each story is different but the concept is stood same that is Happiness,

Cover: 4/5
Blurb : 4/5
Story : 4/5
Overall : 4/5

Buy the book from Amazon : In Search Of Hapiness

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